Our Innovation Advisory services reduce the financial risk associated with conducting R&D by optimising your organisation’s innovation management architecture. We design (or modify) processes to reduce the cost inefficiencies associated with performing activity that is by its nature uncertain, while maximising your prospects of introducing the revenue generating new products/services that help deliver sustained business growth.

Innovation Management Assessment

By adopting a holistic approach that integrates tax incentives with innovation management practices, companies can unlock substantial cash flow benefits and streamline operational processes. 

Step 1: Establishing the innovation baseline

A typical client delivery begins with a current state assessment of your innovation management practice. We couple this with quantitative measurement of your innovation performance to establish the “innovation baseline.”

Step 2: Turn insights into prioritised action

Using data and insights gathered during our innovation baseline activity, we perform gap analysis against international standards to identify aspects of your current performance that can be optimised. We then work with you to prioritise the tasks that will bring about cost reduction and drive improved R&D outputs.

Step 3: Deliver the intervention

Depending upon your specific challenges and priorities, we offer a range of innovation management solutions:

Strategy, governance, and control 

Innovation strategy: enhance your innovation strategy by reviewing, developing, and aligning it for optimal results.

Innovation governance: design and implement a framework to guide and drive your innovation activity.

Horizon scanning and strategic foresight: outside-in market analysis, competitive analysis, market gap analysis and benchmarking.

Innovation accounting: management data and systems to effectively monitor and measure the performance of innovation activity to maximise ROI.

Search, select, and develop

Innovation ecosystem: create an ecosystem of enhanced innovation capabilities by connecting you to alliances, partners and networks.

Portfolio management: proactive and strategic management and allocation of resources – financial, physical, human – to maximise innovation ROI.

Cost reduction

Tax consultancy and regulatory compliance: specialist tax support to optimise tax benefits, including R&D tax credits and Patent Box.

Grants and funding: expert support in grants and funding acquisition, increasing your chances of securing funding aligned with your innovation strategies.

Grants Advisory

Our grant support is closely integrated with our broader expertise in innovation management and innovation incentives. By aligning grant opportunities with your innovation goals and strategies, we ensure that your grant applications are well-crafted and strategically targeted towards initiatives that have the greatest potential to drive innovation and business growth. This integrated approach maximises the impact of your innovation efforts while optimising your chances of securing funding for key projects.

At any one time there are a wide range of grants in the UK to support business, spanning industry sectors, geographies, and technologies.

We can help clients access government funding for growth and assist in developing appropriate strategies that can help generate the best value and return on investment.

It is important to remember grants are considered ‘gap’ funding and typically not for retrospective or pre-approved projects. Early conversations with grant funding bodies are recommended.

We can help your business to access government funding for growth and help develop appropriate strategies that will generate the best value and return on investment.

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