Increased needs and decreased funding are adding pressure to human and social services (HSS) sectors around the world. The pressures are pushing many service organizations to a point of crisis as they struggle to adapt to changing customer needs and the challenge of transforming their organizations to improve complex service delivery.

However, this new global survey of HSS CEOs identifies ways to accelerate the transformation needed in order for the sector to meet the expanding demands for its services.

Based on the insights from over 100 HSS leaders across the globe, and specialists from KPMG's network of member firms, the survey found that developing a stronger client focus is a strategic priority for human and social services organizations and systems over the next three years. However, it also highlighted that the sector is struggling to change and adopt this focus.

Respondents report being behind the global economy with regard to innovation and more than half indicate they are not using data and analytics effectively to guide their approach. In a world increasingly driven by data, organizations have unparalleled access to rich information and insights that can inform and inspire a renewed approach to service delivery built around the customer.

According to Listen, learn, lead: KPMG's 2018 Human and Social Services Outlook, the sector is missing an important opportunity and offers insights on how organizations can better unlock the value in the vast amounts of data they already collect.